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1."The Map of the Unheard Unseen (MUU)"


Audiovisual Album / Online Installation / Bachelor Project


9.2019 - 6.2020


“MUU” is my bachelor project, an online semi-interactive audiovisual album about the “Hidden world of electromagnetism” around the Ringbahn-area in Berlin. Maybe you use it every day - and think you have perceived it all? When was the last time you really looked out of the window? MUU aims to give you space for associations, thoughts, and memories. Visitors can choose their starting-station and speed themselves through the interface online; thus, there are many diverse ways to experience it.


The shape of the Ringbahn and its ever-looping character symbolizes a clock. “MUU” deals with the continuous perception of time and space flowing by. I have chosen different moments from each of the 12 tracks from the full circle of 60 minutes to keep the fading characteristics of image and sound. This way of presentation is the best concise way of giving insight into the album’s vast details.

2."Boiling Heart"


Audiovisual Performance




“Boiling Heart“ is an audiovisual performance dealing with daily anxiety regarding the heart infection of my mother. It premiered at the Muziekgieterij in the frame of my Intro in Situ stipend.


The visual part consists of real cardiac imaging of my mother’s heart beating. While the audio part is made of a water boiler’s processed sounds, a device many of us use daily to keep us going, whether it is to cook tea or a meal. Audio and visual meet in the sound of a beeping note, rustling noise, the bubbling water, and flowing blood. The performance of 45 minutes has a linear dramaturgy with different longer parts. Therefore I have decided to present each section’s pinnacles to translate the work into a compressed form.

3."In the Shadow of our Sun"


Audiovisual Short-Film



“In the Shadow of our Sun“ is my short film about light-pollution and the electromagnetic fields of our solar system, which premiered in the Lumière cinema in Maastricht. In the film, the sun tells a poetic tale. As listeners, her voice sounds robotic, as we can only really perceive her through our technology. Does technology blind us, or does it enable us to gain a new perception of reality? An associative journey underlined with a score made from the electromagnetic field frequencies of our sun and the planets of our solar system.


The electromagnetic recordings I have used to create the score were recorded from NASA’s Voyager 1&2. The film-score builds up over time, introducing more planets circling the sun. I have chosen the middle section where most of the poem can be heard.



Interactive Audio Installation 



My interactive audio installation “Steps“ was installed in the Museum Dr. Guislain in Gent Belgium as part of the group exhibition “Imagining the Brain, Imagining Human“, which responded to the concept of “Anxiety“.During my research into paranoia, I found how a single perceived sound would trigger a spiral of thoughts, resulting in exaggerated fear. Visitors walked into the corridor where their steps were following them. Who was following them? A mysterious beast lurking in the dark? Old memories that they had almost forgotten? Or just their harmless step, echoing from a speaker above? 


The steps were recorded with several piezo microphones on wood plates and then altered with echo and reverb in real-time. The video presented above is a reconstruction of the installation demonstrating the concept.



Short Film - Score and Audio Design




“Irritation“ is an experimental documentation by the german designer Jasper Rittner about Forrests in Germany and the uncanny order introduced into nature by humans.

I was commissioned to create a score and to advise the development of audiovisual cohesiveness throughout the project. 



The film of 8 minutes works with the contrast of moving sound and seemingly static monumental shots. Over time more details can be seen and heard, so I wanted to show a longer frame. It will premiere in summer 2021, so the frame shown here is still unreleased material. Still, I wanted to include this current project. 

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