of the
Map Legend
The number on the Clock
The kilometer position of the Stop
The name of the Object &
The name of the Track
The name of the Stop
The Timecode
"The map of the unheard unseen" above
is an audiovisual album by Ruben Bass, which uses the "hidden world" of electromagnetism in the area around the "Ringbahn" as its primary material.
The audiovisual album takes the audience around the Ringbahn, stopping at 12 different electromagnetic places to explore. Driving clockwise with the Ringbahn, at every stop, a new sound is introduced. The sound of electromagnetism is then altered into a track until you arrive at the next station.
MUUs symbolism: the Ringbahn as a clock (as of 60min duration) and form of a loop, an ever-repeating entity connecting space and people.
People who are from Berlin will have different memories, different routes at different times, for different purposes with the Ringbahn. It may be your way to work, to friends or even your sleeping place. Maybe you use it every day - and think you have seen it all? When was the last time you watched the scenery pass by? In this case, you would have been surrounded by something every day which you can not perceive. MUU does not try to oppress a particular perspective to the viewer but aims to give space for associations, thoughts, and memories while watching.
"During the last century, we humans have created electronic technology for all sorts of appliances. We surround us with these electronic devices every day. With the creation of technology (e.g., trains, computers, snack machines, lamps, phones, power plants, and more), we have, as a byproduct, created a whole hidden world of electromagnetic-fields. I want to show parts of this world, which, as we can not normally perceive it, almost seems like a parallel dimension.
MUU shall give an artistic insight into this hidden world. The acceleration of the engine in the Ringbahn sounds very similar to the electromagnetism recorded from it. At this point our "normal world" and the "hidden world" overlap. This was the initial spark to find the Ringbahn as a source of material and symbolism .
In times where something invisible drastically changes the world - you might be even more interested in this hidden world. After all our primary senses are based on electromagnetism and without it there would be no reality to us.“
Ruben Bass
Questions like " how do sounds look like? How do images sound?" have inspired Ruben to research waves.
Waves in their different forms were researched over 8 months as the common factor of human senses (such as sight, hearing, tactile and to an extend smelling and tasting). The research into waves has led to electromagnetism, which behaves similarly to lightwaves but can not be perceived by normal human perception.
The area around the Ringbahn is an accumulation of electromagnetism as of the many electronic devices, trains, etc. The electromagnetic fields are recorded with a device ("SOMA Ether") to make them audible and, therefore, useable in a musical way. The electromagnetic sounds are then used to create visualizations with a Chladni Plate (see below). The audio is layered with videos of Berlin passing by, through their layering, they intertwine and form something unseen. A fractal perspective of time running forward and backward.
This goes in line with other works by Ruben Bass, who acts as a highlighter of things that tend to be overlooked in everyday life.
More about the creation of MUU: Content -> Materials
As of "Corona", the initial idea of a performance in physical space was not possible. To not go half way - loose quality and clarity - through a stream or similar, Ruben decided to make a mixture of a film and album instead, with the material he had collected.
The album was recorded in two performed takes of one hour. You could say; already two performances just for the artist himself. As circumstances allow again MUU will be performed in physical venues as originally intended.
Get in touch, if you want MUU to come to your venue too! Details at the bottom of the page.
Although MUU being an artistic project, it is rooted from scientific interest and a 6 month research process. MUU is in this way partly educational and would be proud to be part of science events, lectures and similar. If you are curious about the possibilities and want to take a deeper dive into the background:
Do you want to know more?
MUU uses different tools and materials such as the SOMA Ether and 2 Chladni Plates, to reveal un-perceivable parts of
the hidden world of electromagnetism
A detailed Tools & Materials Page
can be found here:
In the Future MUU shall be developed into an expanded map of electromagnetism
with the help of other artists, to share the hidden world of electromagnetism to the public.
A Future perspective is to create it as interactive Installations which would confront people with electromagnetism directly in their daily life.
This electromagnetic mapping process will be done with the help of partners. Get in touch, if you also want to contribute to the electromagnetic mapping process or want to contribute to MUU becoming interactive installations in Berlin!